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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog contributor #1.

"wanna hear a really disturbing story about mind control?


okay. so its called neuro linguistic programming, or NLP. the majority of research done in the 70s. well some sick guys have used it in stuff they later coined "forbidden method"

its conditioning someone to react a certain way to a trained command. and this guy would immediately after sleeping with this chick...say something to drop her pleasure into fear. like; he'd point at the door and say "What would it be like if I just up and walked out the door, slammed it, and you could never open it again." of course which would upset her, and then he'd raise her back up by cuddling and being sweet.

Then once she was calm and feeling all warm n fuzzy again. He'd tell another terrible story. Again involving the door getting slammed like, he walks out, slams the door, and then later is hit by a bus and she never gets to see him again.

so this guy anchored feelings of terror and fear of loss of those warm fuzzy feelings with the door getting slammed. and put the last nail in the conditioning, by getting up, going to the bathroom and slamming the door... and reportedly, since then, all he does is direct her attention to a door, and it makes her, i dunno. immediately stop doing something he didn't like

tell me thats not some really sinister stuff

i dig it. 
that's what you're contributing to my blog. thanks.

no problem. its a story thats been haunting me since i read it the other day."

-Caleb Countryman.
at: http://www.crashedgates.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. I had heard of this "method" a few times over the years. But never saw proof of its existence or having been taught to anyone. It was kind of a myth for me since 2007. Having stumbled across original material, the story has stuck with me quite dramatically. A lot of stuff like this is taught in personal-development confidence building seminars. Not so much for the purpose of control, but strong involvement in social situations. From politics, to the running and maintaining of business relationships NLP has been used for many less traumatic desires.

