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Thinker. Artist. Evolving. Want want wanting. Reader. People watcher. Struggler. Etc.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Better images of some works, and explanations.

Graphite, conte crayon, charcoal, acrylic paint, tape, and wine, on paper.

I was mostly interested in edges and shapes branching off of different shapes.

This piece was made for an art show entitled "Recycled Art" for Artist Common.
Coffee stained newsprint with news paper pieces, white paint and found imagery with india inked words.

Play on words.
This piece originally had two shoes off to the bottom right of the piece-- made of pressing soaked newspaper (soaked in a glue and water mixture) into a boot-shaped mold and left to dry. 
The shoes/boots were a reference to a sexual innuendo from middle school.
If someone said they liked your shoes it was kind of like saying I think you're hot...

My found object was the boot shaped mold which is why the entire piece spawned off of that.

Melted crayon on grey paper.

Reductive drawing technique. 

Study of hands and feet.

Study of woman.

Study of a woman.

Xerox copies of drawings and found imagery.
This piece refers to our SETX environment and how it creates illnesses that we facilitate by working for such industries. It is a vicious cycle. And we're asking for it.

2009, as well. Part of a series including the one above.
India ink on linen. 
Some T-pins on the shape in the middle. Referring to surgery and closing of wounds.
Before this work I had surgery on a 6.7 LB tumor in my ovary. 
Abdomen was split in half and many works following the surgery had a feeling of tumor like or surgery like, or some sort of commentary on how i think things came about. 


  1. Pretty sure i want that ladder piece forever and ever. its so delightfully creepy. :] and i think i would turn it into a shirt. (it has awesome composition) and to me that ovary commentary piece is intensely raw and profound even before i read what it was, like a piece of your humanity is displayed for all to see. It's incredibly brave and inspiring. But really how much for the Xerox copy thing?

  2. i'd love to sell it to you at merchant soiree this coming month at the art studio. let me message you on facebook for details on pricing, etc.
    thanks for your enthusiasm. :D

