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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TV will destroy your sex life.

...Doing a little research on Barbara Kruger, the advent of MTV, and how advertising and multple mass media outlets has completely changed our perception of reality... i found this tid bit about how tv has changed relationships between people-- in particular, close relationships, like lovers and married couples... beware of the way it can stagnate your romantic life:

"You stare into my eyes each night at your devotions and my sense of time becomes your own, a thousand sofa-sunken evenings fused to one, lit by a mesmer fire of crackling cellophane irradiance.

You sit at night there on the couch beside your partner, yet have only eyes for me.

You listen to my voice in rapt attention, yet grow bored or easily distracted when your loved one speaks.

And when at last you part indifferent to each other, who will you resort to in those lonely, post conjugal evenings if not me?

I am the only pure and true relationship that you will ever know."
--Alan Moore on the power of television in "Light of Thy Countenance"

1 comment:

  1. I think under the methods that mass-media take advantage of our consumer driven society is a more dangerous weakness in us... Apathy. Lack of education in intimacy, and its benefits.

    So few people are taught to respect our relationships with each other, and any corporate conglomerate would be foolish to ignore taking advantage of this. It's so sad.

